A New Dawn is a five piece crust act from Southern California and here is their five track recently released and much promising demo. The band is new, they formed in 2012 and this is their first recorded stuff, it starts with an instrumental intro which brings some nice melodic leading guitar parts along with the repeating catchy main riff, the following tracks are heavy and powerful fast D-beat crust blending Doom, Hiatus and Anti Cimex with some Swedish hardcore hints in the leading guitar that pop up from time to time. All songs are fast with the exception of of the opening track which is mid-paced/less fast and prepares the ground for the upcoming storm and the slow heavy beginning of Parasite. Rhythm section is heavy pounding, vocals are rough and shouted. Great work that lasts over fifteen minutes and nothing to complain about, i listened this and i felt the same surprise i had with the great work of
Hellcrawer or
Devastated . Well done guys, very promising demo, Thumps Up!. This is offered for free in bandcamp and they also have a facebook page, click a like and make them happy. I wish they continue and soon to listen more recorded stuff by them.
thanx a lot for all the great things you post, i discovered some really good bands thanx to you.
I don't know if you could help, but i have a request, i'm looking for ages for Depletion, a crust band from canada, they released a demo called Black Tar wind, but i can't find it anywhere, and can't find contact of the band.
So, if anybody could help with it.
And keep up the good work.
i m sorry i can't help you.never heard about them,you should try in punk forums such as Chaos Night Rider,Anarcho Punk Net,Organize and Arise,etc. Try Organize.. since is connected with the old Profane Existence messageboard users,PE distro used to have this tape for sale (a google search proves this). try also Terminal Escape blog:the guy rips and posts tapes and he maybe could help you
Hey Next Time You want to use any footage from my youtube chanel,Don`t you think you should ask first.or give me credit,
Colin,i used this footage after a random "Antisect live" search on Youtube and didn't even checked who uploaded it, i use random vids (one day-each one)when there is no any video available from the band that is in the first post.I never thought it would be a big deal but anyway i feel sorry for all the mess and promise to not use any footage of yours in the future without asking you.
I have no problem with you using my youtube clips feel pretty good you used it,but where i come from its polite to ask first and not to be told from some else,
WTF??? Stop whining. YouTube videos are meant to be shared WITHOUT needing to ask. If you want to protect your "property", don't upload on YouTube or turn off the embed option.
Colin,i still think it's not big deal the whole story:i can understand how you feel when are the one who filmed the video we watch, spending time and energy and find it here and there without being asked but i say again:no big fuckin deal.since you uploaded your videos for free watching and free embedding and since i have neither commercial adds nor sexist/racist/fascist etc shit here then i don't see any problem. Giving credits is sometimes important and should be given when it has to be given, i didn't want to put this link here but take a look:
this is from 2007, the credit should be given and was given. I apologize for not asking you first and hope i sent some punks to your site as long as it was active. Now, i didn't see any reason to ask permission for a one day posted vid in the corner of the blog.if you say i am not polite then ok i am not polite, i won't argue about it,i got more serious shit to think about.if someone liked the Antisect vid then he probably clicked and opened your channel,its simple as this: i have done it many times in facebook where punks post thousands videos and probably yours (yeah i remember some stuff of yours and maybe i posted 'em too, i can't remember)
case closed mate,
no problem,i apologize in case i sounded aggressive in my previous comment.cheers!
leave an e-mail address and i will get in touch with you.Im not leaving mine incase i get abuse from the Dickhead who left a comment below mine.
my apologies for the delay,a lot of shit happens here and there is neither time nor mood to check and update the blogs,anyway my mail is in my profile but in case you don't see it its 7inchcrust (at) gmail (dot) com but as you have already said the case is closed and there is no reason more shit to be said.as i said before the whole thing is not a big deal,we al got more serious thing to face around.
i can get you the black tar wind demo; please email me at czars13@hotmail.com
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