The demo brings six tracks of blackened crust with insane screamed vocals from the lungs of a girl, raging guitar riffs with black metal influenced parts and unrelenting drumming in a sonic Armageddon with decent sound quality, a few times the speed slows and the inferno becomes emotional, they remind me of Garmonbozia and such kind of bands.This is good. And if this good then To Serve a Man is better: It starts with The Twilight of Capitalism II and the title describes what comes in the lyrical level. Actually this is an intro, the attack begins in the next track Bottomless Execration and becomes the soundtrack of social chaos: "sirens screaming, buildings burning/swat teams savoring the clashes to come/molotov cocktails/soaring like a phoenix, whispers of revolution". As the band says "The content of the lyrics focus on the border, religious, and governmental oppression issues affecting the Spanish speaking peoples of our region". Comparing To Serve A Man with the demo, it sounds more extreme and chaotic reaching the black metal territory and the blackened crust of Iskra. There are seven tracks here delivering a wave of fire coming straight into you soul, four songs are taken from the No Thanks Fest demo (re-recorded or remastered), the epilogue of inferno El Destierro is an acoustic outro
The band offers both releases for free in their bandcamp, check them in ReverbNation and Farcebook
Demo 2010
To Serve A Man
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