An awesome band from Japan in a three track demo tape delivering metal influenced crust in the vein of His Hero is Gone and Tragedy: I listened them for first time in their eponymous cd, an amazing record full of energy. in "the Road of Asura" they deliver three tracks very close to the cd works but in hoarse and raw version:Blazing riffs and even some clear guitar parts with nice melodies, fast and slower tempos, some nice bass lines,shouting male/female vocals and aggressiveness and what comes is powerful crust bringing in mind His Hero is Gone and Tragedy but these guys do not copy. Track titles in Japanese,about 12 minutes total running time. Check their eponymous cd, its the same style of crust with much better sound quality
Thanks to Joachim for the cover scans!!!
Great post. Awesome band.
Thanks so much for uploading this. Muga's LP is one of my favorite records of the past few years. It's great to hear these earlier tracks!!!
please! add more muga!
great band.
link is still active
Gimmie! Gimmie! Gimmie! i need some more!
!!MUGA!!! hehehehe
I saw MUGA in '04 and my ears still ring.
HAH I still have the muga patch!
can you scan the inside or back of the cover
ray ss
i m sorry ray, i can't help with this
Yo Ray
I scanned the front and back of the tape.
Fuck, I don't know shit about computers, this is my photobucket link I guess
this is great! thank Joachakim
links of your first comment are ok, the problem is this [IMG] thing
cheers :)
hey thanks a bunch i appreciate it.
ray ss
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