Subordinate send their crusty greets from Enniskillen, Ireland and 'To See their Demise' is their fresh new four song ep which was self-released in 2012: "As a band we embrace the DIY ethic and we support left wing political ideals which can be seen in our lyrics. This is our first release and we hope to have a full lhows check the facebook page"The band is a trio, formed a year ago and includes people from Absolutist (from Scotland),Savage Rabbits and Visceral Attack.To See Their Demise delivers four songs and over sixteen minutes of crust which has its influences in the legacy of From Ashes Rise and Wolfbrigade and hardcore elements : Heavy crust with melodic lines that pop up here and there and screamed vocals, the pessimistic mournful guitar riffs so familiar to the neo-crust bands appear here too, D-Beat drumming is always there, a few acoustic parts in Clarity of Purpose and eponymous song leave space for some breathing to the listener before the sonic attack start again, the sound is decent, bass sometimes sounds a bit louder but without being annoying or destroying what the band delivers. The ep is available for free streaming in Subordinate's bandcamp page and along with the music you have the lyrics full of wrath and anger, for physical copies and show booking check the facebook peage"
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