
Παροξυσμος-Χημικα Καταλοιπα

Παροξυσμος (Paroxysmos, Paroxysm) is one man band from Greece and Χημικα Καταλοιπα (Hemica kapaleipa, Chemical Waste) his first ep. Back in 2009 i posted the split tape of grind masters Wormrot with a band named Diseptic, here,  Παροξυσμος  is.the transformation of  Diseptic's Doom/Disrupt -ish crustcore into a crust storm that takes quality into a level much higher than Diseptic: Χημικα Καταλοιπα delivers five songs and 11:20" of a crust punk sonic attack influenced by the greek crust scene of early 90's, sometimes looks like Chaotic End came back to life and shred with deadly riffs. Sound quality is descent and lyrics are in greek and deal with the usual topics (pollution, religion and personal matters). This is really good and wish Vaggelis to continue this project.  I don't know if there is a physical release of this but is uploaded in Youtube and there is a dnld link provided by Vaggelis. (thanks man!)
And the good news come for a future ep release of Θεοι της Λήθης (Gods of Oblivion) on Scarecrow Records and WAK in this autumn.



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jenni said...

I had already know this by watching a video on this topic in YouTube.