

i discovered this bandcamp page but i thought it must be a guy who uploaded some Warvictims releases for fun or whatever but i was wrong: Warvictims after their myspace and the D-takt & Råpunk Records blog now have a new site and a bandcamp where you can find everything they released so far: Of course all d-beat raw punk audiophiles have downloaded something from Warvictims in the past but here is the stuff offered by the band, 20 releases from their early ep's to the latest ones. I don't have to say anything else, go and pillage it!. To the band:thank you guys! you are cool persons! skål!!!
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Anonymous said...

Because we have a free bandcamp page, we have only 200 free downloads every month. They all disappeared very quickly yesterday, and therefore is now bandcamp (NOT Warvictims) taking money for our songs. This is what they wrote us in an email:

"Greetings Warvictims,
Your Bandcamp account warvictims.bandcamp.com comes with 200 downloads per month of tracks or albums that you're giving away. You currently have 0 download credits remaining. We'll bump that back up to 200 on 4/23/12. To learn more, or to purchase more download credits, click here"

We did what we could and we had no idea about this. We are truly sorry. But please DON'T BUY ANY SONGS NOR ALBUMS, it's bandcamp who will get the money not Warvictims.
The whole idea was to give em all away for free. This fucking corrupted capitalistic system! We can't afford to upgrade the page either.
Monday 23/4 we have another 200 new free downloads. Better be faster next time boys and girls. At least you can listen to em all for free until then.

We thought this would be great to collect all songs so it would be so much easier for punx to find all tracks and download em at one place instead of searching around like hell. If anyone have a better idea how to solve this mail us.
//War Camp

7inchcrust said...

i have to say that is very nice from you to offer all these releases for free,thank you. any better idea to solve it.... hmmmmm, Soundcloud could be a solution to the problem but it gives only 120 minutes for free.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Yeah, we know about soundcloud, but we like the bandcamp design where you can check the album covers etc... We have no ideas to fix this right now, but I guess people just have to listen to the songs and be quick when bandcamp let people download the songs for free again... Too bad, cause we put some time uploading everything... So it sucks, but I don´t know if theres much we can do about it right now. Hopefully people have patience.

/Jocke A, Warvictims

mattack said...

I'm having a hard time believing Bandcamp gets all the money. From their pricing FAQ:
> When a fan makes a purchase, the money flows directly from them into whatever PayPal account you specify (Bandcamp doesn't hold your money).

As someone who has a few different Bandcamp pages, I can verify this is exactly what happens. They have a revenue sharing system, which is a bit complicated, but explained on the page I linked above... After so many purchases, they keep some money. In the same way guitar strings and drum sticks costs money, so does software development, servers, internet connections, etc...

Did you not set up a PayPal account? Maybe if you let people give you money to support your efforts in the art you make, you could "afford to upgrade the page" (which ironically, there is no Bandcamp upgrade).

Anonymous said...

We didn't set up any paypal account, I don't even think anyone of us has an paypal account to start with. The idea was to upload all our records for free, and wouldn't it be stupid of us to tell people NOT to pay for the songs if we wanted money???

I don't even know what kind of money you can make on a couple of songs, and it's not intresting either. There should be better and faster ways to earn money than on a few lousy punktunes...

If people don't believe this they can go to hell for all I care since this was a genuine wish from our side to spread our music for free. I really hope people understand we're a sincere band that never has had any desire to make money on this band. It's annoying if anyone out there get the wrong idea and think this was a deliberate choice we made. It's what punk is all about for any of us.

As I said, people just have to wait to the end of april and don't snooze when the songs are avaible for free again, meanwhile we will check if there's any options. But if not, this have to be the way we have to do it...

/Jocke A, Warvictims

Anonymous said...

It's annoying if anyone out there get the wrong idea and think this was a deliberate choice we made. It's NOT what punk is all about for any of us.

I missed the "NOT" in my last reply...

/Jocke A, Warvictims

7inchcrust said...

i wanted to reply last night but i was a little drunk and Jocke made another comment:from first comment is obvious that Warvictims uploaded their songs just to have them for free downloading and they don't give a shit about money making out of and this gets stronger when they tell people not to buy since things came this way.i find it a little annoying to have your songs for free and being accused (or being suspected) of making money when the same time myriads of punk blogs share most of these records for free and the band doesn't care.and all this mess came up because of Warvictims popularity.i don't want to defend Jocke, he doesn't need any defend and i don't have to apologize if it sounds so but that's what i believed from the first moment.some servers had the same/similar policy in the past,that don't mean the punk bloggers uploaded the songs there just to make some lousy money.
bandcamp is waaaaay better compared to soundcloud,in the end either downloading it or streaming it is kinda similar since in both cases you enjoy the music so waiting for the next free dnld date is not painful.

punkmar77 said...

Jocke A & Billy: My name is Mar and I am the drummer for Diatribe, we would love to host all the Warvictims discography at http://www.anarcho-punk.net through links to mediafire and others we already have quite a few of your albums available, there is no download limit through them and we host artwork and tracklists and through cooperation with last fm. a band profile is shown on each download as well...we are in solidarity with your views on punk rock and capitalism in the music industry please visit our non-profit collectively run anarchist site and consider it...Salud y Anarquia....Mar.

7inchcrust said...

Hi Mar,you should connect directly with Warvictims for this

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