The Book of Deadra is a black metal duet from Oregon, United States, Pugsly sent a mail with a shitload of information: "Formed sometime around December 2009 as Rectal Discharge and we played Harsh D-beat kinda reminded me of Anti-Cimex's Anarkist Attack ep. We decided we wanted to start something new so we scrapped all of the Rectal Discharge records and changed our name to The Book Of Deadra and wrote out a 3 track demo which is called The Black Sacrament. Our main influences are: The Elder Scrolls I Arena, The Elder Scrolls II Daggerfall, The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind, The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim... We plan on Recording a full length this summer called The Dark Brotherhood which will consist of 10 tracks rangeing from Grindcore, Death Metal, Black Metal and Crusty Stenchcore". Im not into Elder Scrolls but i have to say this inspiration made them write three pieces of raw black metal, influenced by heavy crust (check Loud Ass Crustie Old Punk ahaha, what a title!!!) and black metal (check Pathetic Christ): (Pugsly)Influences are: Stormcrow,Kult Ov Azazel, Gorgoroth, Axegrinder, Axeweildm Zoe,SKAVEN,Iskra,Xasthur,Poikeus, Death, Suffocation, Possessed,Acid Witch, and last but not least Deviated Instinct and mine(Ian) is Tool, Zoe, Ax7, Hellhammer, Gahlhammer, Traahlhammerin, Gaahlgoroth(Lebanon Oregon 1 man bm),Iskra, Against Empire." The sound is raw as hell with some hints of melody popping up sometimes and the usual high pitched and acid black metal vocals. As of now Ian Lives in Oregon City and Pugsly in Lebanon Oregon playing in Gaahlgoroth 1 man black metal. I believe Ian has started Wood back up again". Give it a listening.
Hey, nice blog,
i discovered a lot of stuff, thanx to you.
I wanted to ask if somebody here has a copy of Acrasy demo.
It was a band with Leggo, singer of Deviated Instinct.
I looked everywhere, but didn't find anything except the two songs on the Deviated Instinct "reopening old wounds".
Hi there!i can't help you,i don't have anything of Acracy,check Panzer Badger blog, the guy posts old and rare recordings of UK crust bands and maybe he can help you
It is really cool to see this up here, Pugsly told me we were getting attention but I had no Idea this had actually gone up till he facebooked me the link. I want to let you know we are working on a possible split with Wardogs and our second demo(the dark brotherhood) Thanks for putting this up. Ian.
Hi Ian and thanks for the comment, Pugsly told me about a possible release with Wardogs, i hope all go well and this split come true,cheers!
Hey this is Pugsly, I will try and find the Rectal Discharge - Police Brutality 5 track demo and send it to you. We scrapped everything when we called it quits but I am sure one of my friends might still have a copy somewhere. The split with Wardogs is underway Mohd said his vocalist is going to draw up some ideas for the split and send them to me. We are either going to record new tracks or put what we already have on it.
thanks Pugsly, i would be glad to post this demo too,best wishes for the split w Wardogs,cheers!
Hey man this is pugsly. After a very long absence of music I am proud to let you know that Book Of Daedra is planning on recording the new albums Dark Brotherhood this WEEK! Ian has been removed from the band due to his legal issues and other things no hard feelings between us at all. But the split with Wardogs is on! Ill send you a 7" of the war dogs split once it is out.
this sounds good,thanks Pugsly.cheers!
Hey I got a copy of the Lusty Argonian Maid cd if you want it on here! Also I found out through Ian that Pugsly is no longer doing B.o.d and is now playing guitar for the black metal band Pure Norwegian Hate.
thanx for info about Puglsy,as for The Lusty Argonian Maid thanks but i am not in the Elder Scrolls thing
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