Here we have
Skunk.This band comes from Winnipeg Canada,which is a bit unknown to me,but it doesnt seems so unknown to crust and grind music,since i think its the same place from where archagatus and skeleton come.Skunk is a 4 member band and these guys and one girl seems to just love to play crusty d beat,but not the standard type,since lots of grindcore happens on the way,maybe something like massgrave meets mass genocide process.So on this demo tape,put out in end of 2008,we have 12 tunes that im preety sure will make you feel like you got drunk,beaten,and left to rot.To sum the whole thing,two vocals,one of them female,both scream their lungs out,and punishing crust make this demo sound really nice.Theyre formed last year,but seems to be working hard and already have two splits on the way,one with warvictims and one with twisted system,and also have an upcoming Lp.Enjoi!
i would appreciate the lyrics of life of despair if anyone could help me out saludos juareƱos banda
i would appreciate the lyrics of life of despair if anyone could help me saludos banda juarez a huevo
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