I came lately to these cats so i don't know much about them: They recently released "In these dark times" lp which is a great record, they also have a st ep.
A split with the crusties Asedio is on the way and will come out in a few months.
I don't know the year this demo was recorded,(any help is appreciated) but seems to be the same recording the the st ep. It delivers a rough version of Etacarinae's cosmic apocalyptic crust in a excellent blending of Tragedy and Japanese hardcore (Bastard, Death Side and the likes). The band unleashes the dark melodies helped by the good sound quality and rhythms are in the usual fast/faster/some slower levels. They don't offer a novelty or a new crust sub-subgenre but they put their own crust identity in what they do in a amazing way.
I believe "In these dark times" is one of the best crust records for 2008 and this demo was the beginning of a great band
1:Seasonable piece of shit
7:Click to oblivion
great band. i think this demo was put in '07, but don't hold me to that.
thank you, unfortunately i know absolutely nothing about their biography..
This demo is the same recording as the self-titled EP. I believe it came out in 2002, but maybe that was the year of the EP. These tracks are also on the new CD as bonus material.
I think the Asedio split is still not out yet. I can't find it anywhere.
i apologize, its my mistake because the cd version of "in these dark times" contains bonus track taken from the split. according to Asedio myspace "We are working in a split 7" with our friends ETACARINAE.
Probably in February will be recorded this 2 deathmetal/punk songs"
i just edited the post, thanks again. cheers!
The demo is the same recording as the "faith in chaos ep",and was recorded in 2002,but was released only in 2007...the split with asedio will be out soon but you can listen the two songs in the "in these dark times"cd,it haves all the etacarinae recordings so far....
Thanx for listening!
ETACARINAE are one of Iberia's finest...saw them live once and got absolutely hooked on them. SUBCAOS drummer rafa is again on tour with them right now in Mexican lands far away from home.
I just hope the band plays again in Portugal!!
Maybe nobody is reading this by now, but i have the right information about this demo, because i played in it. This demo was recorded in 2002, and at the time the band was all portuguese. From the actual line up, only Rafa and João (bass) played in this demo. There was a different singer, Rodrigo, and two different guitar players, Edgar and Bruno (im one of them). At the time we were a lot into Tragedy (obviously), Severed head of state, Discharge, and even Integrity. We left the band after the recording, and just played a few shows live, before Rafa and João moved to Spain and got new members for the band. I haven't heard the new stuff, but this ep is brilliant in my opinion! There was a song left out at the time, with some maidenesque guitars, bt no lyrics, so it didnt make the record. Shame!
Hope i was helpful.
thanks for the infos Edgar (or Bruno), i appreciate it. in myspace they say they called it quits, that's sad. yes the demo/ep tracks are great, and In These Dark Times is an awesome record.
You're welcome! It's sad they called it quits. In my dark times is a good album, but a bit more classic. in my opinion the ep was edgier and a bit more original. But they are both really good!
Thanks for your blog, it's awesome! Keep going!
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