The Last Massacre is limited to only 100 hand-numbered red pro tapes released by Krig Tejps (band's own label which is also behind the The Death release), it consists of six tracks recorded during last April and delivers their usual from the first tape blending of crust and Death Metal. Sometimes crust genre overcomes (Apocalypse Approaching) and sometimes the Swedish Death Metal influences (Dismember, Entombed, early Dark Throne etc) are so obvious (Only Death, The Last Massacre), the songs are fast and short (each one lasts less than two minutes ans the whole tape approximately 8:30") and the sound quality is decent. All and all this is a solid demo and delivers the good. Not any filler song, just killers with Apocalypse Approaching (yes, yes i know.. the crust thing..) being my favorite. Not any bad shit to complain about here, i wish only there were more tracks. More songs pleaz!!!
You can find Suffer the Pain in their facebook, Youtube channel or their blog, The Last Massacre is available for streaming and free downloading in Soundcloud and you can contact the band via mail (you see it in bandcamp page) for a copy (42 kr or 8,5 USD including postage) and along with the tape you are gonna have a pin for free), read also a cool interview in Manslaughter Thug Life blog
VOMITOPUNKROCK seal records, with the idea of taking on vinyl, 12 ", these little recordings of the 80s, and what better to start with the k7 of" the struggle continues ".
This k7 originally drawn by NDF in 1985, after a concert put on by NDF, which acted: Anti / Dogmatikss, Defense and L'odi social. NDF was made by Joni Destroy fanzine, which recently brought the book "pagui pujol" tremendous book showing the Barcelona punk 80s.
Joni to actively collaborated in this project, passing the MASTER of the recording of the concert and we were passing the fanzine that came with the K7, which we added to the LP and a brief explanation of the project as it was in 1985.
I really love SUFFER THE PAIN, a fucking GREAT band!!! My tape copy of "THE LAST MASSACRE" will be soon on its way (or maybe is it already - THANX Stefan) and I can't wait for it!!! I've done this March/April an interview with them, so it's already some time old already now but if you don't know it maybe check it out here:
Cheers /// Andy
Ahrg... what's today going on here with me... here's the correct link:
Cheers /// Andy
haha!hi Andy,i added the interview link.you have done great work with Manslaughter Thug Life, cheers!
Hey man, THANX very much for the kind words and for putting up the links!!! :D
Cheers /// (Manslaughter) Andy
hey Andy, great work! stop using these colors in interviews!its a real pain in the eyes!
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