Another band from France: Agonie were a five piece
crusty anarcho-hardcore band from Paris, they
formed in 2005 and called it a day in 2007, in 2006 they recorded this demo which
seems to be their only recorded material. The band included on bass the guy who
runs the mighty and criminally underrated Terminal Sound Nuisance
blog and you can read a much more detailed review here
so is the best thing for you to skip my crappy writing and read Earslaughterers
story. But if you insist to stay here….then lets roll it: The demo came out on
cd format, it lasts over nineteen minutes, it consists of seven songs including
the mutilation of Disorder’s Police State and brings chaotic crusty anarchopunk-fastcore
with totally distorted guitars, fast bashing and sometimes chaotic drumming and yelled/shouted vocals, the whole shit reminds of Disorder or to coin Earslaughter's writting “a shamelessly
raw and drunken wrestling fight between Mankind ?, Contropotere and
Disaffect when they were just starting to play their instruments, or we were
just ourselves, which is probably the best thing to be..”. The sound is raw and
the whole chaotic feeling is close to
raw D-beat noise punk bands, the artwork was hand-made, the demo package
included lyrics, btw the download link is from Terminal Sound Nuisance (so "link provided by the band" fits here), and
includes scans of covers, inlays, etc, lyrics are in French, unfortunately there is no translation in
English but there ‘s explanation of each song's lyrical content in Terminal’s post. All benefits
from the demo went to a prisoner support fund. No more useless ranting. Go get it and don't forget to Visit Terminal Sound Nuisance.Thanx to R. for the link. there
Hey there,
I'm only just seeing this. Thanks for posting it and promoting Terminal Sound Nuisance, that's very sweet of you!
Cheers!keep up the great work!
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