Here is a band i fell in love with from first moments i listened this demo: Femacoffin hail from Oakland, California and include members of warcrust beasts Stormcrow and Sanctum: As they say this is "Idiot crust hailing from the depths of West Oakland. Fueled by all manner of illicit substances and a mutual disgust about where things are going these days". This is their debute demo, recorded and released in 2013 on white pro tape and delivers stinking noise simillar to the afforementioned bands: The ca cossette consists of five songs and nearly fifteen minutes of heavy metallic crust, doom crust, modern stenchcore, warcrust, whatever you name this (death) metal driven heavy slow and mid-paced crust having its roots in Misery and Bolt Thrower: The band adopts the hellish legacy and sound of Sanctum and Stormcrow and delivers the Bolt Thrower heaviness through metallic guitar riffs and hard pounding rhythm section in slow and mid-paced beat that sometimes gets faster yet steady, the singer screams his lungs out and tells stories about apocalyptic nightmares ("Systematic failure, Grinding to Hault, Collapse of Nations, Nowhere to Run, Nowhere.."). Haunting and great! The lyrics can be found in tape's cover. All and all this is great piece of metallic, tuned down stenchore at its best, its the kind of crust delivered by Hellshock, Misery, Last Legion Alive, Warmaster etc, wait to hear more by them, i hope they will record new songs soon. I didn't see any site of band, the demo is available via
Market Zero for a physical copy and from band's
bandcamp page.
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