
No more posts..

there will be no updates for a while, i m feeling out of the mood, there are so many other priorities in front of me and there is no free time lately, i don't how long this will last, i hope it will be a short time...


mikxxx said...


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Anonymous said...

Hey man, take care of your personal priorities first and foremost. Thanks for all your hard work in the past. Looking forward to the future at Crust Demos.

Rock Ass'Dick said...

Bad New !! Crust Demos was amazing...
Take care of you


Anonymous said...

hey man my name is adrian i play drumms in whatshame u did a posted our review and tape download. and now its not there can i ask why?

doesitmatter said...

Take your time man and come back when you're ready...

Thanks for all the demos that you've posted so far... to many more to come!

Crust til death said...

take care, and I hope you'll be back soon!

Anonymous said...

you can upload the demo of LOS MUGRE? to disseminate htto://www.lariojahkpunk.blogspot.com http://www.myspace.com/losmugre

Anonymous said...

you can upload the demo of LOS MUGRE? to disseminate htto://www.lariojahkpunk.blogspot.com http://www.myspace.com/losmugre

7inchcrust said...

i want to apologize for being too late to reply you, i dont update this blog anymore and probably i will never start updating it again so i dont check the comments, sorry for missing yours. anyway thats what happened: Yes your demo was there and its a great demo, sometime i edited the post to add some infos but then some shit happened to blog's HTML and the page that the demo appeared was distorted (letters appear in different fonts and colors,different size etc)so i drafted the post having in mind to repost it soon in a new post but it was deleted it and i don't know how and why, maybe its because the HTML trouble or i deleted it accidentally. this is the truth,the same shit happened in my other blog so i had to re-post Hibernation 7" (check 7inchcrust blog and you will see, it happened about a year ago),then i was frustrated to rewrite all bullshit once again....

Whipstriker said...

Metalpunk stuff soon. Download the promo.


xGARRAFAx , vulgo Isaac! said...

hello friend, who is speaking here again is the Isaac, lead singer of FAIXA DE GAZA / DIAGNOSE, I also write on the blog www.xgarrafax.blogspot.com

I am writing because I would like you to hear this recording of a test FAIXA DE GAZA, because you have already released our demo in your esteemed blog.


with great affection and respect

Isaac Jr.

7inchcrust said...

hello Isaac Jr.
thanks for this, i appreciate it, i m listening right now (raw as hell! yeah!). this blog is dead, there will be no more posts,i had the hope this would be just a break but as the time passes a lot of shit happens so i can't restart updating.
thank you and cheers!
ps:track 08 (Lifelock from Doom) is fucking great!

@WHIPSTRIKER: thanks for the demo

The Artist Formally Known As Agz said...

Hay if ya ever start it up again have a listen to our demo http://agzdaredz.blogspot.com/2010/07/dr-aids-necroquegcuntcore-demo-2010.html were not altogether crust but you can here stuff in there hope you carry you blog on allo the best anyway
