Here is one of the best demos that were recorded in 2008:
Downfall of a Gaia hail from the cities of Hamburg and Hannover, Germany, i don't know much about them, according to their Myspace they formed in 2006 as "Toxic Nation" and became "Downfall of Gaia" in 2008. Over these 2 years they released a cd-r in 2006 ( "this is what you call a life!?" ), a 12 song tape in 2007 ( "el ultimo aliento..." ) and a discography - cd in 2008 ( Indonesian release only ). Under the name DoaG they released the four track demo you got hereand a split tape with Kazan.
The demo was limited to 100 copies and and t here were different editions (handspayed & pasted cover) and the four tracks last about 23 minutes, music wise this is an excellent blending of the emotional parts of Fall of Effrafa and the neo crust riffs of Ekkaia plus the desperate screaming vocals. Imagine a band close to the Agrimonia's level of quality and then you got DoaG. The band has plans for a split with Melete and a 3 way split w Hungry Lungs & Machete
one guy in this band is an jesus freak, he played in a lot of other hardline christian punk and hardcore bands and makes is own christian label.
want some gossip? hang out in the punk/crust/anarchist-scene....
"oh, a jesus freak".. ."probably homophobe, a sexist, fundamentalist blah blah blah"...
none of this is true.. by the way there are homosexual christians, transgender and more (also among the jesus freaks or close to their movement) and none of the bands that "guy" was in was in any way homophobe or anything like that... in fact one of these bands had also radical political (anarchist, anti racist) lyrics, views and at least one member was/is very active in the antifascist movement
and yeah, christianity and anarchism is no oxymoron... cheout out tolstois "the kingdom of god is within you", the catholic worker movement or the liberation theology
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