"Hate Brigade as group was born to the surroundings of December 1981. At the start, they were 3 neighbors that had just discovered the Sex Pistols and Clash, but also and especially a French group: Metal Urban . They were very interested in the revolutionary side of punk and that brought them to read Marx, Bakounin, Stirner and many books on anarchism. In the beginning the group took a political dimension. The discovery of the 1st album of Crass was next their true blow of whip for their ideas (Anarchy and Peace, punk i's dead. ..) corresponded exactly to what they thought about their side..."
"Berliner kinder" was a tape recorded in 1986 and delivers eleven anarchopunk tracks. Before "Berliner kinder", HB recorded another tape in 1985 and in 1987 they releases their first full length "Sauvages" and a split ep with Berurier Noir. The lp was re-released in 1998 as a split cd with Kochise on Maloka Records.
01:Ultime ricompense
02:Rock terroriste
03:Larmes rebelles
04:If the kids are united (sham 69)
05:no title
06:Solitude urbaine
08:Etat de siege
10:Mandarine song
11:La cave is calling
Haine Brigade-Berliner kinder
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