Displague is a crust trio from Molins de Rei, Barcelona and this is their fresh new record,released by
Canya Records in summer of 2012. Canya Rec.s is a "
non commercial label, with against repressive ideas and the objective is to spread the DIY spirit." Displague is a band absolutely unknown to me and thanks to Marc from Canya who sent this, it was a nice surprise (actually the mail arrived as spam and a moment before delete it i realized what is about jajajajaja), Anyway, they formed in 2008 and this record seems to be their first official release. Here we got nine songs of neo-crust with screamed vocals in Spanish, fast tempos that are followed by slower emotional breaks full of intensity, the usual presence of D-beat, mournful riffs from the school of Ekkaia (Demasiado Tarde Para Pedir Perdon era), Down to Agony, Madame Germen and the likes, there are some nice riffs here mixing aggression, wrath and pessimism. Not any acoustic preludes, no lengthy songs just in-your-face crust, the sound quality is excellent, the cover artwork is in the vein of the sub-genre. Well done record..
The record is available for free, if you want a copy send a mail to Canya Rec.s, thanks to M for sending this, cheers and keep in touch!
ps:to the bands who sent their work and its not posted:there will be another wave of posts in a few days (hopefully)
Displague in Farcebook
Displague in Lastfm
Displague in Bandcam
Displague in myspace
Dnld link or just visit bandcamp and get it there
Hi! here Marc.
thanks a lot for upload my releases!!
keep in touch!
up the punx!
cheers Marc!
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