A Dis band and not a D-beat band, strange isn't it?
Disconcept hail from Stuttgart, Germany, they started in 2010 with mostly D-Beat influenced hardcore and then transformed into a Powerviolence/Crust/Death and Black Metal influenced band, this was the information in the mail i received from the band about at week ago.Peace? Riot! is their first demo recorded in 2011 and its a blending of their influences, all brought to the crust field: From At the Gates, Possessed and Darkthrone to Discharge and Extreme Noise Terror and from S.O.D. and Destruction to Amebix, Totalitär and Skitystem (all these bands and many more are mentioned as their influences in their farcebook page). All these genres together create heavy, rough and metallic crust that sometimes strays to the aforementioned genres or if you like sometimes it reflects these genres
Download link is provided by the band. Thanx to Tobi, cheers!
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