Εν Ψυχρω (En Psychro, In Cold Blood) come from Nicosia, Cyprus and its a side project of members of
Εντος των Τειχων (Within the Walls) and Grotesko (Grotesque),"...we were formed in the summer of 2011 in Cyprus and are part of the DIY scene, influences vary from Hardcore Punk and D-beat, to Crust and Thrash Metal which were molded together to form the band’s extreme sound, The idea to form ‘En Psychro’ came about when its current members decided to start something new in addition to their bands, we entered the studio in November and have recorded live our first self-titled demo/EP, staying true to their DIY beliefs." (taken from
Cy-Metal forum).
The demo brings six songs, it delivers thirteen minutes of heavy crust/hardcore reminding of a heavier version of Within the Walls (never listened any stuff from Grotesque), beat is fast with slower parts, guitars are thick and heavy, the singer sings in Greek, the sound quality is excellent. This is good shit, give it a listening.
I've heard this demo and was pretty impressed. It's powerful, passionate stuff and sounds pretty accomplished. Some great riffs in there!
I've been trying to track these guys down but their Myspace page has not been logged into since the 25th May 2012.
Do you have an email or a form of contact for this band?
hi, you can contact with us here -
tou edosa me e-mail to mail twn Within the Walls (den ixera kapoio mail epikoinonias apeftheias me tous En Psychro)alla den apantise oti to pire...
sygxaritiria gia to demo,poly kalo :)
New track from their upcoming album:
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