"Band started to perform around 12. Mth 2007., Under the name "funeral company". At that time they made their first gigs and they recorded their first demo "Povratak Bombarderasa" with 13 things. Playing hardcore punk, themes are apolitical, describes todays situation of society and the individual in society. First band members were- Čeh-vocal, Klen-guitar, Gradski - BAS, Branko - drums, Backvocal.
After some arguments in the band Čeh has left the band and they are without vocal, but soon after that in the end of 2008 comes Vuk who replaces him, they started to do more stuff and they changed their name to STIGMA."
if anybody is interested at this band, you can read interview (on english) with them here: http://crucifiedfreedom.blogspot.com/2009/10/stigma-interview.html
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