See You in Hell is a 4 member hc punk machinery coming from Czech Republic,the city of Brno to be exact.After the band did numerous european tours and a japan tour,nowdays they play japanese influenced hc punk and are throwing awesome live shows.We have the demo,that these guys put out around 2000,being released on tape format,this demo maybe was the foundation for the band that they are today,but it's a lot different from what they released later on.The split with Crow says enough.On this demo they have 8 tracks of fast hc punk with some grindish vocals,kinda like Gride,if youre familiar with the band,if not,imagine it as the fastcore the dutch bands like to play.After this demo they went on and managed to put up numerous releases,of which i got to mention the split ep with mass genocide process,the Utok Lp and Market yourself LP,a few more ep's and compilation appearances came on the way,for more info check the band's
web site.Hope ull enjoi this!!
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