To be honest this tape sounds like it was recorded sometime in early-mid 80's and not in 2008:The band delivers 21 cover tracks of band such as Headcleaners, Riot Squad, Varukers, Absurd, E.A.T.E.R.,Kaaos, Terveet Kadet and other legends of these days. Well played covers, the singers voice, the raw and noisy sound of guitar and the whole thing reflects band's love for this era of punk. Nice tape done with love for these old times
or here
and here
01:Fight for freedom (Existenz)
02:Don't forget the chaos (Exploited
03:Arms race (BGK)
04:castidade (Olho Seco)
05:Blodig stad (Absurd)
06:Victimized (Chaos UK)
07:317 nitter (Enola Gay)
08:Attacco (Eu's Arse)
09:Fear of war (Dr. Know)
10:The plague (the Sinyx)
11:Sinfect (Headcleaners)
12:Fuck the tories (Riot Squad)
13:La nuit noire (Berurier Noir)
14:Outo maa (Terveet Kadet)
15:Don't give up (Bristles)
16:Ain't no feeble bastard (Discharge0
17:Doomsday troops (E.A.T.E.R.)
18:Tio timmar (Moderat Likvidation)
19:Attack (Rappresaglia)
20:Uskonsota (Kaaos)
21:Another religion,another war (Varukers)
thanks for posting this dude.. more tapes to come soon...
Cool! I didn't know this band, they are very good
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