
Dishönor - st tape

Dishönor come from Thessaloniki, Greece and this is their first recording, currently only in youtube. There's a veil of mystery since there is not any site and social media page connected with the band,(some Dishonor in faceboook is another band), there's only a youtube video of their recording and the information the band will self-release a cassette soon. The band played several gigs in Greece and their drummer also plays in D-beaters Skürnaa, who's demo tape just came out
Music wise Dishönor deliver D-beat Crust with '90's flavor and gruff vocals, reminiscent of bands such as Doom, Hiatus, Embittered, Visions of War etc, etc. There are 10 songs and 23 minutes of cavemen crust in the usual fast pace with some slower breaks here and there and decent sound quality. There are the typical for the genre guitar riffs and rough vocals, the singer sings in english and lyrics deal with the usual themes as titles proove (Coldness of a Nuclear Age, Neverending Bombraid, Savageries of War etc).  Cover artwork was made by Khaos Art who also did covers for Infernal Attack, Dogs48, ALS, Apnoia and others
All and all, this is an amazing piece of D-beat crust, the band delivers the goods and its worth to give it a listening. Cassette comes out soon (i hope).


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